Fall Nature Walks

I f you have a little time this weekend or in the afternoons, take your little ones for a nature walk and explore all that you see in your neighbourhood. A few things Adriana and I talked about as we walked around our little neighbourhood:

1) Different types of trees have different names.

2) What trees give us? They are alive and they give us oxygen - the air that is all around us and helps us breath clean. 

3) Colours of the leaves on trees, bushes and flowers.

4) Why we think leaves are changing?

5) Why we think leaves are falling? 

6) Different shapes and sizes of leaves we collected.

7) Textures of the leaves (some were dry and others weren't)

Adriana loves the outdoors and hands on experiences. However, if she was a little older I would have brought out a few colours, a notebook and even given her my phone to take photos. If your child is older its very exciting to see photos from the lens of a child. You will see how much detail they capture in one photo they take using a camera or draw using the materials they have at hand. If they are even older you can always talk about the different types of leaves and their names while you explore the outdoors. Bringing a nature book from the library is a great idea. Such as the "The Magic & Mystery of Trees" Written by Jen Green. 
